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Here are the post COVID studio guidelines for health and safety when recording a session at Roar Audio. Please be guided accordingly. 


  1. All staff, talents, and clients going to the Roar Audio Studios must be in good health and are generally fit for work. 

  2. Clients and staff who exhibit feverish symptoms, have shortness of breath, or who are generally not feeling well are discouraged to proceed to work or attend recording sessions. Anyone exhibiting these symptoms may be refused entry to the studio.

  3. Proof of vaccination will be required for face to face recording sessions.

  4. The use of face masks are not mandatory when in the studio but is encouraged especially if you are not currently recording.

  5. Alcohol stations are strategically placed around the studio and we enjoin everyone to regularly disinfect or wash their hands while in the studio. 

  6. Audio engineers are required to wear N95 mask during sessions even if only the talent is in the studio or at the booth.

  7. Producers may still opt to remotely monitor the sessions if they cannot attend the session in person. 

  8. Staff and talents who repeatedly violate safety guidelines may face disciplinary action from management that may include, but is not limited to, monetary fines and suspension.

  9. Any BTS shoots must be coordinated in advance. Under no circumstances will camera men or other production personnel be allowed in the booth with the talent without a prior pre production meeting with Roar Audio management. Safety protocols will be discussed and agreed to before the session. 

  10. Studio health & safety guidelines will be reviewed regularly to ensure that these are in keeping with government mandatories as well as the on-site realities of operations. 


We at Roar Audio would like to keep the creative experience as collaborative and as safe as possible. Your kind cooperation for everyone's health and safety is key to achieving this goal.

COVID-19 Studio Protocols: List


©2023 by Roar Audio Productions, Inc.

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